Unmix stems into tone, noise and transient component layers. (SpectraLayers Elements allows extraction of vocals only.) This AI-assisted process in SpectraLayers Pro scans the finished file of a song, allowing you to "unmix" it and extract the different instruments to separate layers, with default settings for vocals, piano, bass, drums, and more. AI is changing faster than its history can be written - be at the leading edge with SpectraLayers Pro 7. In the same way that these algorithms can now accurately determine how to apply color to a black and white photograph, the AI in SpectraLayers Pro can sense discrete events in a sound field and isolate them on independent, colorful layers for processing. Just as audio engineers focus on separating increasingly fine details in sound, the new AI in SpectraLayers Pro 7 uses algorithms to learn from the data flowing through its built-in neural network. And all in a familiar interface that you didn't realize you already knew. Integrate these abilities into your DAW and other tools. Visualize audio in astonishing new ways, including 3D.

For the first time you can directly edit spectral data, opening advanced sonic worlds, and use innovative enhancements to traditional techniques. SpectraLayers is a new approach to audio editing, with new concepts to transform the way you work.